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About T-Cakes


Throughout the years T-Cakes has gone through many different phases and names until this one stuck in 2019.

This small home business has been in the making since 2012 but for one reason or another it kept hitting speed bumps and having set backs. That was until the end of 2019 when it was decided it was now or never. It still took another year before launch but that was a year well spent, diving deeper into recipe building, making sure everything needed legally was in place and just making sure everything was as ready as it could be.


T-Cakes officially launched in April 2021.

T-Cakes is registered with Portsmouth City Council and currently awaiting inspection. Tash, the baker, has a level 2 food safety and hygiene certificate and addition allergen training provided by the FSA and public liability insurance is in place.


T-Cakes offer a variety of sweet treats from cookies to occasion cakes.

 Brownies and blondies make up a large portion of my menu and I have many different flavours to choose from. Please check out the gallery for a peek at some of my work. If you're looking to order please get in touch, this can be done via the contact page or alternatively please email me at

T-Cakes have previously had stall at local craft fayres and markets so if you're an event organiser looking for a new trader please do get in touch. 

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About T-Cakes

Meet the baker


Hi I'm Tash, owner of T-Cakes.

I have been baking ever since I can remember! My mum taught me a lot over the years and always baked me the most amazing birthday cakes when I was growing up. I just want to thank her for everything, for the tips and tricks, for the encouragement and for the support. Mum, I love you!

I'm now a mum myself, my little boy is my world and I hope I can give him some amazing birthday cake memories, just like my mum did for me.

When it comes to cakes, my favourite cakes to make are the more quirky cakes. Fondant covered, carved cakes are so much fun to make. My favourites to date have to be the Hey Duggee cake I made for my son or the Wallace and Gromit cake. I enjoy the building and modelling of these kinds of cakes and love the challenge of trying to recreate a character or item. 

My brownie recipe is my own, it has taken me a long time to perfect but I think I'm there. I have so many different flavours already on the menu and so many more ideas! They bring fudgey, gooey, rich chocolate goodness with every bite!

I really enjoy baking, it honestly is a passion of mine, that being said I also really enjoy a challenge!

 If you're after something and can't find it on my menu then just drop me message/email and we can have a chat.

Check out the gallery page for cakes and bakes I've previously done!

If you have any questions, please get in touch or head to the FAQ page.

Thanks for stopping by

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